Sunday, 26 February 2012


Coming down with a sickness and the numbers continue to pile up. Running into life obstacles and getting knocked flat while kilometers await. Having to work through your breaks to complete a impairative task. A major or minor injury occurs and there is a mountain of training ahead of you and a close family member or friend needs your help and you have to drop what your doing to help. Getting up in the morning and figuring out what part of your training needs attention and how far behind you are on what and still get ready for work. Keeping track of your spouse and children, making sure they are healthy and happy. Being counted on and sometimes expected to fulfill duties and obligations for your work or children that require alot of time that you don't have and somehow still find time to throw some kicks and practice what you learned at class that night. Two and a half feet of snow out side to shovel and a garage full of vehicles and projects that need attention, and no room to practice your weapon. Sound brutal? Sounds alot like life and training; your Kung Fu. What can possibly drive someone to maximum output and exhaustion and keep them motivated, focused, and strong. Heart. If you don't have this majorly important tool the tendancy to find excuses or quit always comes up with ease and justification. Even if you can't get done what or how much you wanted too, as long as you pulled your weight and did your absolute best, thats your heart working with you. If you have a strong heart and will, your determination alone will lead you through anything and motivate you to better yourself and also many people around you. Intimidation from life and what it can hand you will become easier to handle, because you have the will and the knowledge to kick its ass and leave a trail of pride and self respect. Knowing that you did it, your drive, your Kung Fu. Your heart.

Brian Chervenka   

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Looking through the smoke

Thats the perspective I am seeing at this time. I see that as the dust clears as each and everyone works through our team requirements and challenges the full direction of this challenge. You have to incorporate your kung fu into everyday in order to achieve this challenge and better yourself , and others as a true martial artist. I see a complete lifestyle make over and if you are working towards your goals it happens without even thinking about it. As I go through my goals and numbers, I am not dreading to do situps, throwing some kicks out, or seeking to do something nice for someone. I see it as a turn for the better, for me, my family and the people I hold close. Starting your day with some push ups or sittups or whatever you do sure helps meet some numbers because you have already completed something before you leave the house.

 Its not all easy and great at times, in fact sometimes it sucks and can be overwelming. Injurys, unexpected situations, work and family commitments occur and you still have to find time to accomplish a daily requirement. There also comes thoughts of doubt at times, but fortunately we have each other and our journals to stay focused and give each other a swift kick in the butt or help dust one another off and carry on our journeys as a team.

Brian Chervenka

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Modifications Required

As I have been working on my numbers for the week I came to the conclusion that in order to fully take advantage of and complete the push up/ sit ups a person should probably adopt several different hand configurations and placements in order to create a broader strength and indurance. It could also help in the prevention of early joint wear due to repetition and consistant fatigue in the same zone. I have started changing the rep numbers and hand placements to try to develop all muscle groups around the joints and others I don't commonly use.

One of the things I struggle with in kung fu training is sittups. we have a love /hate relationship. They are constantly a work in progress for me. I usually have to use my arms to assist or take a run a it. After speaking with a fellow student I started doing reps with a weight on my chest and it has changed the way I see doing them in my mind because now I am more in touch with my core and what areas need to be engaged to lift my upper body and the weight.

Other than those few revelations thats all I have this week.

Brian Chervenka

Sunday, 5 February 2012


Not something I do well at. Too bad, thats what me and many others signed up for in 2012. Without some sort of routine it's going to be very difficult to pull off these kind of numbers and goals. Some people are very good at this, while there are others like myself, that suck at it. I have a plan that I have layed out for this week coming up. All my high number goals I have intergrated into the beginning and end of my day which is working pretty good. All the kicks and forms can be recorded as well as the p/u and s/u at home in the morning and evening. Water consumption, random acts of  kindness numbers can be recorded and managed through out the day or when out on the weekend. Completion of the distance challenge I will work on during the weekend. Now working all this into my core class, working most of the weekend, of most importantly, my family. One of my personal goals is starting to come along slowly. Eating habits. Normally I eat just about eveything and usually lots of it. But lacking a diet plan or any discipline for that matter. I seldom have breakfast and usually run on super high test coffee which deters my appetite and completely screws up any consistant kind of input of daily requirements. Now I am having breakfast and eating at certain intravels throughout the day and I'm noticing a difference. Lots more fruits ,vegtables, grains, chicken, fish etc.

After attending the banquet last weekend I left with a really strong sense of inspiration and drive. I couldn't wait to get at my training. There was such a strong sense of energy that if you didn't feel it, you weren't there. The black belt candidates to me were a huge boost and I couldn't help but hold them all in very high admiration and humility. The account of their journeys were all very moving and introduced a huge impact of discipline and the good old "suck it up princess" that is pretty much the universal motivator when one starts to feel sorry for themselves. Never quit, no matter how bad you feel or whats in front of you. You can and will get through it, and if you have others around for a person to help or be helped its even better because not only do you leave with a nearly impossible accomplishment completed but a sense of unity in your memories that will never fade and always motivate when you call upon it. Well thats where I am at and what I am doing this week.

Brian Chervenka