Saturday, 1 August 2015

Once in a Blue Moon

I just found out recently that a blue moon only comes around every couple of years. It just so happens this past Friday was a blue moon. It is when you have two full moon cycles in a month. I thought maybe I would see the moon actually looking, well, blue. Ripped off, it wasn't blue at all. So to make the best of it I did some form reps out on the grass under the moonlight. It was kind of cool actually. I've never done forms under the moon. However, wandering campers didn't really appreciate it so much. It was almost like the same looks I get doing forms in my sea turtle swimsuit just with more intensity. Whatever.

Cracked heels suck in the worst way. Especially when they are so bad every step hurts on both feet, and you practice Kung Fu on the beach and you drive sand into the cracks that are about an 1/8 of an inch deep. You kind of walk like you soiled yourself. More looks, could be the sea turtle swimsuit though. Fortunately we went into town today and there was a farmers market. At one of the stands was a whole pile of home made lotions, creams and soaps. Cool, I found one that handles badly dried/cracked skin. No it didn't magically close up all the damage, but at least I can walk normal now.  Another great moment of triumph was there was a reflexologist in the house that did some amazing work on me. I feel great, not so tight in the shoulders, neck, and lower back. I am actually walking like the world is not at a tilt and my hips feel great during form work.
The town we were visiting had their weekend event going on, Medieval Days. The whole town is dressed up like Kings and Queens and everything else that was around at that time. A few miles out of town they had a whole pile of tents displaying the true old skool way of doing things. But the neatest part was a replicated battle of that era. Helmets, armour, the whole gear on. All of their weapons were padded, swords, clubs, battle axes, spears, etc. They even had cross bow arrows with largely padded tips. It all started out slow, shooting arrows at each other, bunch of yelling. It got to the point where it was kind of like this sucks. But then they went into full on battle, like really beating the crap out of each other with these padded weapons, it was awesome. I was like, "GO BLUE!, man I should have brought my axe!" Again the looks, and I didn't even have on my sea turtle swimsuit. Whatever. Then it was over and the advancing army took the bridge. One last thing, after shooting a few arrows off at the range, I think I have found another weapon, this awesomely hand crafted Long Bow. I spoke with the guy who makes them and I am saving my pennies, it was just that cool.

Still progressing ahead with my training goals and really enjoying time with my girls. It really doesn't get much better than this. Mountains and Kung Fu and family. I am having trouble with a few parts of different forms and stance transitions in my Tia Chi homework but I am starting to lose the hulk smash approach...... slowly. Glad to hear the demo was a great success and it sounds like the Death Race crew is killing it up there. See you at the kwoon.

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