Sunday, 29 April 2018

Moving To Stratagize

The brain needs exercise and physical challenge to remain healthy and the body needs clear thoughts and direction to maintain a healthy balance and they all must move together. I'm in a position right now that remains all too familiar, a life of madness. It's my jungle I guess and I have manged to make it this far and have succeeded many feats along the way. But I've also get lost in my own jungle and tend to slash and hack the living crap out of everything......only to find out all I had to do was turn right and go about 5 feet. But this is my year of change and I need to get rid of the mantra of you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I'm in the process of making a plan that is not only sustainable, but adaptable. This is nothing new at first glance as I developed many plans over the years and achieved what I set out to do. But this plan is more focused towards change of priorities and enhancing my Kung Fu along the way, keeping it in front of me. I will be moving things around and making things a priority, and other things to the bottom of the list to achieve a balance and a more powerful life.

My Kung Fu has taken a back seat to other things that came along in the past and the failure to maintain it as priority has been damaging. You have to start all over again and that sucks. This is my year to really focus on the investment in me and my Kung Fu. My year to chase down mastery and freaking own it. But I won't achieve this if I repeat the past and not stick to my plans or lose focus on what I set out to do. As soon as I justify my requirements being missed or fire up the excuse factory, then it's time to look back to the plan and stratagize, make the s$#t real front and centre.

 I have people on this team that I have trained with for many years. People I trust, and know that they will not hesitate to offer help, advice, give it to me straight, or a provide me with a good hard smack in the head when I need it. They're the best!! But there are also people on this team that I don't know, but nonetheless they are just as important and since I will probably be away for the next 3 months. This stuff needs to be seen and shared and I'm going to do my best to do so and offer as much support as I can by which ever way I can.

I will post my plan once it's complete and do my best to maintain public accountability. Plans are the best way to accomplish anything, but it never hurts to have another set of eyes look it over. I need to communicate with Grande Formage and a couple of others to verify some things and communicate some details. I hope your all doing well and training is good. I can't be at the kwoon right now unfortunately. My push ups and sit ups are happening every day, hitting some forms and doing whatever else I can along the way. I haven't missed a post yet either....and that folks is a first!! See you at the Kwoon.

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