Wednesday, 6 June 2018

A Good Place

Being in the presence of expertise in multiple fields is a great place to be and one that should be respected and embraced if your destination is mastery. Regardless of what that interest might pertain to holds no relevance if the mindset is of self improvement and excellence. It can be anything and if your serious about what you have your sights on this needs to be remembered. One of the key necessities to all of this is mentors and examples of others.

For example, my new boss is a pretty cool guy and very intelligent. He is a straight up cat that tells it like it is, how it is, but shows nothing but respect. Now to me working and training under someone that is so full of confidence and puts so much faith in the talents he sees in people that they don't recognize, is something unique and tells me that I'm in a good place. Nothing is watered down here and as one of my personal goals to change up career and take on a difficult challenge is happening. I am in a huge sphere of awesomeness. He has a set standard for how he wants things done and maintained through out the company and he wants that followed. But he also wants his employees to put their own signature on it and evolve from this standard. He encourages being unique and to embrace the challenge, but be yourself and run with with those talents you don't even recognize yet. You don't see this much as some bosses are content with surrounding themselves with brown nosers and feel threatened by the unique or someone that thinks outside of the box. This is sad really and I don't last long in these environments as I just don't have time for it anymore. I guess that was a really long answer to, " Hows the new job going!?!?"

Canada Day is just around the corner, the most important demo of the year, and man do I have work to do. At this point our forms should be looking pretty damn good, I lost some valuable time here with work and trying to slice my finger off but that's life and I need to step up and get it done and done right. I missed two or three events already and the one that bothers me the most is missing the parade. I love jumping into the lion and freaking out the kids and bringing a smile to the old people....and maybe "accidentally" kicking the odd brat...lightly of course. But then we all scramble to some destination and pull off a demo,  that's just cool stuff you never forget. It sounds like I missed out on some Dog team awesomeness and it sucks to be me, for what it matters guy's my apologies and thanks for all your hard work. I'll just have to make up for it when I show up to swing the axe of death around and hang with the dogs on this great countries birthday. See you at the Kwoon and we'll see you soon!

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Keep the Sights On It

Moving forward on an investment of awesomeness is always a good feeling and that should be our go to when we get frustrated or disappointed on our journeys. This would keep us on track and moving ahead in a efficient way. We seem to go the other way most of the time though. I've been there a bit lately as my training has taken a few deviations not really for the better that I must adapt to. But you can't lose sight of what you set out to do and a person needs to remember that it takes time to build a pyramid, one level at a time.

 I've learned over the while to always go back to the point of when the gears of excellence were singing a tune cranked to 11, and build off of what you have. That is a solid base that has been built through trial and error that's always raising. So why smash it all down and try to start again. Just keep building your pyramid. Easy enough to say but not always to do. It takes time and a person needs to remember that and have fun with it, make it solid. I didn't earn my Black Belt in a year, it took a few actually, but I did it and the circumstances were no different then than they are now. Long hours, life, injury, the list could go on if I let it. Excuses and skewed perceptions are very hazardous to reaching goals, and that's because they are the easiest thing to obtain and use. We can justify anything, just ask us.

As far as my planning and training is going, at the moment it needs work. Work takes up a lot of time right now but the more I learn now the more I will know down the road. I'm trying to keep the focus on the target and working towards a better balance. I'm running just on the basics, push ups and sit ups and the Great Mother Form, aka Dah Mu Hsin. This is the hardest form in the school to master because it's all of our main stances and techniques, and everything else starts from here. Aside from always working on the base, it's a short form that can be done in tight quarters when crunched for time and space. So right now this works. 

My fingers healing up well and I have to get that axe swinging again as Canada Day is weeks away. I already booked it off a few weeks ago, so I'll be there. My work is definitely cut out for me over the next while, but I think this is the part of the year where things are going to come together well.  Cool stuff just takes time and once another layer is built the gears will sing!! See you at the Kwoon.   

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Thought Triggers

It's interesting how an event can trigger all kinds of thoughts and clarity. Especially when that clarity leaves a mark that let's everyone know, yes, your human and also an idiot. Nobody likes to wear a scar as a scoreboard for all your stupid moments...I'm covered in them.

My newest scar count comes in the form of my first ever cut to the bone.... I know because I could see it perfectly. It was like a sectional view of your finger. When it happened I was so mad, not for being cut, but the complacency of not respecting events that can have life altering change that could have been prevented. Of course accidents happen, but that's not the point or what made me realize I had way too many things going on in the mind at once. I mean we do this all the time as humans, but I think we get too wrapped up in too many things and really don't respect the moment when our actions can have permanent or lasting effects on ourselves and others. That being said, you also can't forget the knowledge and lessons that we take for granted everyday.

The first thing that went through my mind was @#$%#$#%%^&&(*^%$%%$!!!!!, and then I thought I cut the tendons. Checked, and finger moves the same as's just really red and I think I need stitches. I was really lucky, stitches are a cake walk, permanent damage isn't.

For me it was a lesson in keeping your thoughts organized and keeping respect to your core values and actions, not to mention the shared knowledge and respect of others. I think just how a person needs to be aware of your surroundings at all times. It reminded me of valuable knife defence techniques and attacks are part of my training and the theory behind them.  It made me feel very grateful for my training. After I saw what my knife did to me in a short distance, imagine what full power would do. It made me realize how valuable those really cool things we do all the time but take for granted. Like buttoning up your clothes, being able to wash yourself, push ups, swinging a weapon etc. It gave me a little reminder of what life would be like with a part of your body that no longer works. Even if it was only a bad cut, I realize that life is good and being able to do things on our own and with our loved ones, can disappear in a flash for one mindless event. See you at the kwoon. 

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Technical Difficulties

So I had some technical difficulties the last couple of days which in turn made my latest post.... well... late. Better late than never I guess. It's been a challenge this last while to get in some training but at least it's happening. I've been so engaged this last while in all the material I need to cover and long hours to add to it. But I am stepping away for a while everynight to train and shift my focus to Kung Fu. Hopefully after a few more weeks I can crank my demon traing mode up to 11! It hasn't been easy though, I'll admit, but working towards absolute awesomeness never is. But I am slowly working my plan to become routine and I honestly think I'll get there. I'm in my absolute glory right now dropped into this madness and my Kung Fu with me. It's just better.

I did however miss my 2 hours of training on Sunday though. But I had the best day with my girl as we celebrated my birthday and mothers day together. My not so little one was away for the day so we took full advantage of that. Later on we were all together and I just cherished the moment. It's no secret that my girls are everything to me. The only thing that would have made it better was to have my oldest daughter there, but oh well, you can't have it all. I talked to my awesome Mom and closed off one of the better days I've had in a while. My Kung Fu is coming along well, but not quite where I want it to be. Rather than be discouraged about it though, I embrace what I can get done and up to this point things are slowly coming together as my plan yields tools that will lead me done the path of absolute awesomeness!

I'll leave off here for now but I just want to wish all the Mothers and future Mothers at the Kwoon a happy belated Mothers day! Your all awesome ladies! See you at the kwoon

Sunday, 6 May 2018

May Mayhem

This post will have to be short and to the point as things tend to start very early these days and carry on later than usual. My work is coming along well and the action really opens up full throttle tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, the challenge will definitely be there and the mindset of mastery shall be front and centre. I'm going to be on my own again for a bit. This is nothing new and as I stated before this has served me well in some instances, but in others cases it didn't. I don't want to go down this road again, and fortunately I have been through enough of the trial and errors to recognize this, so I know what not to do.

I spoke of a plan last week that I was going to put forward to maintain and advance my Kung Fu while under an aggressive work schedule. It's not really overly complicated as I am running this year on keeping the mindset of "keep it simple stupid", because it works. Just freakin' do it. But one thing that is going to be part of it is demon training. It has to be done right now to load things up in order to maintain a consistent and even flow. There has to be a quick acceleration here in order to do it. Now one could look at this and say, this is a recipe to burn out and possibly entice a disasterous outcome because it may become unsustainable. But as I spoke before, this is a an investment and an investment requires extra effort and work. You just don't parachute into mastery, that's a fact.

So in order for this to happen what I have planned to do, is no matter what the circumstances, I will take 1 hour a day on focused and intense Kung Fu training. I am scheduled to have one day off a week. So on this day I will take 2 hours to myself and Kung Fu. I'm on 12 hour days, but if I'm off early for some reason or don't have to work, I head to the kwoon. If I feel like this isn't working than I'll have to change it. If I start to get pissed off, I will contact my go to people for advice and some direction. The biggest part for me will be to avoid the isolation in this particular case. I'm not good at asking for help, and it's my problem, people have their own stuff to deal with. But you see it's this mindset that will throw a whole year of investment down the drain. It's this mindset that will remove the focus of my goals and my intent. This is part of change, part of being on a team, part of reaching your goals and most importantly, part of becoming a better person by sharing those moments to strengthen yourself and others through example. I guess we'll see. See you at the Kwoon

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Moving To Stratagize

The brain needs exercise and physical challenge to remain healthy and the body needs clear thoughts and direction to maintain a healthy balance and they all must move together. I'm in a position right now that remains all too familiar, a life of madness. It's my jungle I guess and I have manged to make it this far and have succeeded many feats along the way. But I've also get lost in my own jungle and tend to slash and hack the living crap out of everything......only to find out all I had to do was turn right and go about 5 feet. But this is my year of change and I need to get rid of the mantra of you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I'm in the process of making a plan that is not only sustainable, but adaptable. This is nothing new at first glance as I developed many plans over the years and achieved what I set out to do. But this plan is more focused towards change of priorities and enhancing my Kung Fu along the way, keeping it in front of me. I will be moving things around and making things a priority, and other things to the bottom of the list to achieve a balance and a more powerful life.

My Kung Fu has taken a back seat to other things that came along in the past and the failure to maintain it as priority has been damaging. You have to start all over again and that sucks. This is my year to really focus on the investment in me and my Kung Fu. My year to chase down mastery and freaking own it. But I won't achieve this if I repeat the past and not stick to my plans or lose focus on what I set out to do. As soon as I justify my requirements being missed or fire up the excuse factory, then it's time to look back to the plan and stratagize, make the s$#t real front and centre.

 I have people on this team that I have trained with for many years. People I trust, and know that they will not hesitate to offer help, advice, give it to me straight, or a provide me with a good hard smack in the head when I need it. They're the best!! But there are also people on this team that I don't know, but nonetheless they are just as important and since I will probably be away for the next 3 months. This stuff needs to be seen and shared and I'm going to do my best to do so and offer as much support as I can by which ever way I can.

I will post my plan once it's complete and do my best to maintain public accountability. Plans are the best way to accomplish anything, but it never hurts to have another set of eyes look it over. I need to communicate with Grande Formage and a couple of others to verify some things and communicate some details. I hope your all doing well and training is good. I can't be at the kwoon right now unfortunately. My push ups and sit ups are happening every day, hitting some forms and doing whatever else I can along the way. I haven't missed a post yet either....and that folks is a first!! See you at the Kwoon.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Rolling With Change

Things have taken many turns over the last while resulting in involuntary change. But really change for most things is involuntary. Like it or not, they just happen and there is nothing you can really do about it. You have to look at this change and decide if your going to accept it and conform, or your going to reject it and not conform. You need to decide, is this change going to benefit me and will I be okay with it, or am I going to regret it and hate my life after the fact. These types of situations can toss you into a complete cluster truck, or they can set you on a new path of awesomeness of opportunity.

Now what one person may see as awesomeness venturing into the unknown and embracing the challenge, accepting change, another may see it as risk and too far outside of the comfort zone; and not change. But how do you know if you don't try or give it a chance. To me, the risk has always been the reward. I've always been a jump into the fire kind of person and see what the results are after the smoke clears. This has served me well more often than not, so that's how I roll. But I have also been very stubborn and a nonconforming type of person that doesn't like change, and won't accept things that I deem...well stupid. But who the hell am I? Isn't life about challenging yourself, coming outside your comfort zone, giving things a fair shake and improving your ability to adapt and overcome? I have these characterisitics, but they are not very universal sometimes. This hasn't served me very well at all. If anything I have went backwards and missed opportunity as a result.

Nobody is going to embrace everything and some things are down right stupid and not worth the venture. You should never yield your personal proven and balanced principals and morals just because it's the status quot. But I think these decisions can be made in an instant through actual experience rather than narrow minded speculation. You are your own person and you have the right to feel and think how ever the hell you want. But you can also improve by comparing notes and trying something a little different sometimes. That's how we find peace and harmony and evolve and create opportunity.

There are a couple of personal requirements I have for this year and they have kind of merged into one. Which is really freakin cool because that tells me I'm on the right track and my plan is evolving. The first one as you can tell, is embracing change and fortunately I don't have to go into this because I beat this dog for about three paragraphs. But I realize I will be a much better person and a better Black Belt if I really make this paramount.

The second is a career change. One would think that this is probably not the best time to do this and question the decision as going beyond risk and is sniffing paint thinner my new go to. But actually now is the best time to do it because there is no distraction and you really have to put yourself out there. You have to take the risk and you must embrace challenge with change. That and if I am going to really have a successful year of mastery and see my goals through with my I Ho Chuan requirements (all of them, not just what I want to) then this is what I must do.

 Fortunately for me after a million resumes, second guessing, and some intense interviews, I scored a new job. It's in high level management and the demand after only a few days is pretty intense. I basically have to jam about a couple of years worth of specs and procedures into my skull over the course of about 5 days. That's where I have been for the last few weeks. Prepping for the interview and now for the project. I have been given an opportunity to better myself and make change. I have been given the opportunity to see my goals through and challenge myself in these two areas.

I"m quite aways outside my comfort zone here and I have one shot to prove myself worthy of the position. My past work experience and my attitude towards it all is what won me the gig. Now I have to bring my Kung Fu and my willingness to change to the challenge. I have to change the way I do things and how I think about things. I have to take the risk and be the change to see these two goals through. I have to change the way I train to adapt to my new path as there will be many obstacles coming my way. I will be out of town, working many hours, and only one day at home each week. But I already see change as I am meeting my requirements, push ups, sit ups, and journaling. They may be minimal at the moment, but in the past when these kinds of demands came about, I only focused on the task at hand, rather than moving my Kung Fu and my work together efficiently. Change is already happening, and it's going to be nothing but epic awesomeness for the year of the dog. See you at the Kwoon.

Sunday, 15 April 2018


Journeys can be compared to a fingerprint, none are the same but everybody has one of a unique pattern. Its this individual signifigance that makes them special no matter how simplistic or intricate they may be, they all mean something. They also all lead you into corners or walls that bring on a moment of reflection or reset that leads you to advance down that slide or find that window of opportunity to carry on down the path of extraordinary and defeat the impossible. You never stop learning or growing and peace and harmony are always present, you just have to look for it sometimes.

Depending on how you embrace these times and keeping in mind that life and it's offerings are a gift and we only get one shot at it, enforces the mindset of being in the moment at all times. I think of journeys as a marker to a persons life time and it's significances. This allows us to find tools to grow with wisdom and constantly endure the quest for life and all that it throws at us. It's very important to never lose sight of those long distance markers, and gather those smaller ones along the way as well. Because again, it all means something and is a valuable component to the making of your own individual awesomeness and your own individual mastery. See you at the Kwoon

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Mine Oh Mine

It may come off as a little nuts to name your weapon and almost cherish it is a living breathing thing. But if you think about how much time you spend with this awesome piece of art that represents mayhem and destruction and how it can effect you in so many ways, it's pretty hard not too. They all have a history of course and most Kung Fu weapons originated from farming tools and such as to hide training, so there is a good chance your weapon is much much older than you. So always show respect to your elders.

As it's been said many times before, no matter what configuration of weapon you train with, it is an extension of yourself and your personal mechanics. Therefore, I see it as a very useful tool to gauge a number of factors in regards to stances, transitions, definition,etc. But when you have those really triumphant times, when you learn the whole form, and begin to improve after each rep, like 1000 of them, how can you not name it and appreciate the value and benefits of weapon training.

I have a rough form laid out with my axe that is something a bit different than I have done before. I still have some of the techniques I have used before but instead of them being an attack, they are more so utilized for transitions. This form has taken sometime and this is just the rough version. The final version definately needs some smoothing out and some additional blocks and techniques. That's the cool part about revisiting an old weapon form, it's an opportunity to evolve further and polish up some old tools, so to speak.

 But for me the best part about training with a weapon is putting your creativity to work and your thoughts to reality. I also find it to be quite therapeutic as many of us struggle with life from time to time and our training helps with this much. It's a nice escape and a tool for balance and calm. Like for example, when you get behind someone on your way home from work that thinks the passing lane on the highway is a safe space for idiots....I just don't get that. What better way to feel better about a aggravating situation than go practice with your weapon, its amazing what you can come up with and how much better you feel when your done.

I don't think there is any better feeling than being outside on a nice sunny day or a nice warm evening practicing with a weapon though and taking your Kung Fu to greater heights. Plus it's much easier and less harmful than being inside or slipping around on the ice and snow. I had a bit of a struggle this year with the ability to train in the garage or basement. I only smashed a few things in the process though.... and only put a few new scars in the garage ceiling....and maybe only two slash/dents on the garage door. I see it as the price for progress and training with a long weapon. I've only been hit a few times and tore a couple of shirts but this is a good way to insure proper technique and good optics to troubleshooting. But for the most part, MINE is behaving quite well and I think we will have another good year as we bond on the imaginary battle field. See you at the Kwoon

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

March Madness

Well I'm two days late on my latest post as a result of a busy Easter weekend with family. It was a nice time and I really enjoyed it as it gave me a chance to forget about things for a couple of days. Lots of ebbs and flows this past month with almost everything and that really doesn't go away.

 Much like most people in the country at the moment, any kind of consistent work or financial balance has been a very tough go, like damn near impossible. Bills don't stop coming in and the cost of living just keeps skyrocketing, but our work and wages don't. It really takes a toll on families and is of extreme pressure that can really knock the wind out of you. It's a very horrible feeling to be in a position of constant concern and the feeling of being useless. Like if something really goes south...what are you going to do. I do my best to stay in the fight, but when all of your resources have been depleted and you have absolutely nothing to fall back on, you can't help but start to beat yourself up and start to question just what kind of a person you are and how did you let yourself become so vulnerable.

A lot can be said for our leadership in times like these and just how we react to a stressful situation. Stress is a killer, it can take a healthy, mentally stable and focused individual and turn them into an absolute mess, or in extreme cases, kill them. Heart attacks, stroke, huge anxiety issues, suicide through depression, divorce, etc. I know this, because I've seen it, and now at the moment I'm actually feeling it to some degree. You can tell yourself as many times as you want that things will get better, and over time, I'm sure they will. But when you begin to lose sight of your goals and meanings and you begin to struggle as to how you see yourself as a Father and a husband, you know it's really time to get honest with yourself and maybe for a change, realize that not everything is your fault or in your control. That's a really hard thing to do when you insist on taking full responsibility of your situations and actions, but struggle to know where to start or where to get the tools required.

 You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to survive, to adapt and overcome. This isn't always easy, but I think I just might find something inside of me to see past this illusion of despair and perhaps this time of low may help me find another purpose and set me on another path. A direction that will improve drastically the well being of my girls and the well being of me. In the past I have always viewed these times as a test and something of great result has come my way through consistent review and action. I hope this is one of these times, because this test in particular has been one of my toughest yet.

Mostly because it's not just about me, it's about the well being and the future of my family.  But if I don't take care of my well being, how can I possibly change my life and my family if I'm not healthy both mentally and physically. How can I possibly embrace change or see opportunity if I'm bound and blinded through lack of will and my own darkness. It's been a tough go for many people right now, so I don't think I'm special or circumstances unique. I feel lucky enough though to recognize a downward spiral and step back and do something about it while I still can. I may have to ask for help or I may have to just go out and go for a walk. I must do something though in order to fight through this. One thing that has been of great help has been the bond and love I share with my girls. They are everything to me and they are counting on me to help get us through this, I can't let them or me down.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Black Belt Code of Ethics

To commit to an oath is something that can be simply muttered or thoughtlessly blathered on to complete a level of entry to a group or organization. If not fully understood or practiced to the level of standard under it's design, it then simply becomes a forgotten thought and holds no meaning. Oaths are a lifeline to a guidance of discipline that are meant to be carried in an order of respect to maintain a standard chosen for said organization. An oath can be of a valuable tool of reference to something you held word to when one questions just what exactly did they agree too, and are those individual commitments being met. If you really don't comprehend its expectations or meanings or fail to uphold or practice each paraphrase, this can have a ripple effect. This effect makes the oath meaningless and makes individual overall contributions less valuable to the body of memberships and removes the ability to inspire.

One of my personal requirements was to take a section out of the Black Belt Code of Ethics and review one per month because I just don't feel it is given the respect it deserves or practiced to the level I swore to. I need to fully comprehend and find the true meaning of each section and apply it because the last thing I ever want to do is contribute to the watering down of a 2000 year old art that is powerful enough to turn crap into gold. If I want to become a true Black Belt then I must uphold and practice the standard I swore to or those below me that I am an example too will not see the value or what it means to not only become a black belt, but to carry yourself and be disciplined as one. To not utilize the code of ethics as a tool of guidance to my own Kung Fu will also remove my ability to advance and make it of the highest quality possible as my years of training progress.

To me my Black Belt holds a lot of responsibility and is not something that simply holds my pants up or is made for me to prance around like a god. My black belt is an example to not only the students, but my family and my community. So it matters greatly how I carry myself and how I train. It's important to openly practice and live by my oath I swore to. I hope by the end of the year I will have mastered each section and carry myself as a true Black Belt and provide my lineage the respect and justice it deserves. I guess we'll see as I follow up on each one at the end of each month and see if the change or discipline is obvious or if a discovery bears existence in the quality of my Black Belt. See you at the Kwoon. 

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Redirecting the Root to Change

This week has been one of those weeks where not a lot was achieved due to sickness. One of those stupid colds/flu whatever the heck it is that fools you into thinking you are on the mend and then grabs you by the throat and slams you into the ever. Along with this great sickness came a muscle cramp or knot, or something muscle like related that developed in my back that was very painful and brought on an angry bull with a thorn in it's hoof. Apparently this may be cold related, I didn't know your muscles could get sick, but I guess they can. I honestly think it was a combination of toxins that decided to take refuge as I am working on cleaning my body out as well. Who knows but either way it sucks ass and made the work day extra long and not much left when I got home. So basically jacks@#t was really achieved this week.

However, it did give me some time to streamline my plan a bit and work on some type of structure that can be adaptable to these types of situations that will continually drop out of no where at any given time throughout the year.  I'm not good a structure on my own. I have always thought of routine as boring, a structured life is for squids I always thought. I have always been more of a jump into the fire and deal with whatever comes at you in the moment. Something needs attention, just do it, no need to be all dramatic about it and all "Gentle Ben" like. The problem is with this approach is I will continually hammer away at something until it is done right, even if to me it's never good enough at times, before I will move onto to the next. This is dumb. Not necessarily the principle, but the inefficiency of the process is counterproductive and if you hammer away at something for too long the quality and the passion go right out the just want to get it done, but you will never be happy with it.

 This is where the incremental comes in and the process of chipping away at it over a period of time until it's solid and of a high quality. Putting all your heart and soul into something for an hour and then walking and returning will build the ultimate result. Once it becomes a part of a process, it becomes part of you and not just something you do. My Kung Fu and all it's requirements is something I really want to take precedence this year. I want my life to change in big ways and the only way to really achieve that is to look at the root of my investment and adjust accordingly, even if that means deep change within myself and how I do things. See you at the kwoon. 

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Sacrifice vs Investment

This is one point of view I could never really grasp in regards to the I Ho Chuan class. Life in general can be of high demand with work and family responsibilities, let alone completing all of these requirements successfully and still finding your personal time to reset or wind down. How can this possibly be of any kind of investment when it seems like a lot of sacrifice and stress? Suddenly it feels like this is more of an infringement of your life and damaging to your well being. I've been there and often thought that Sifu has lost his mind and just doesn't get what it's like for other people that lead different lives. But in actuality, I was the one the missed the whole point of what this is about....I think I get it now.

When a person comes to this point, we fail to recognize what we agreed to do in the first place and the whole point of committing to a year of mastery. It may be hard to see or understand when you have to make a decision between going out to do something fun or not doing anything at all, to doing some requirements such as push up or form reps, but the investment is you and the example you will leave as a result of making that decision is where your investment begins to yield and provide opportunity and peace within. Sure your doing it with others, and that's a good thing, but this is your journey, what works for others may not work for you. So leaving ego, comparison, and judgemental positions out of the agenda is paramount. You are the captain of your destiny period, anybody messes with it, they walk the plank!

If you look at it from this perspective over the course of the year, you will see the investment over sacrifice. This year is all about you. You are going to take a whole year to improve yourself and strengthen all of your characteristics and immerse yourself in the ancient art of Kung Fu. The goal is to learn how to use your time efficiently and rid yourself of those things you don't need and recognize those things you do. Your going to figure out just what it means to see your goals through by self reflection, self honesty, and a test to pride and integrity in yourself. Think about it for a second, is it really a big deal to not do all of those extra things you do for just one year? Why do we beat ourselves up because we want to take some time to better ourselves, like one measly year. I think with this position as one progresses, one will find all the time in the world and then some to get their stuff done.

Yes, you are going to be some what selfish in the eyes of those close to you and at times not meeting your daily goals may encourage guilt, but it shouldn't and don't let these things interfere with what you set out to do. Guilt is a waste of time and an easy way to avoid a situation that requires a solution of action. So to hell with guilt, take the reigns and carry on forward. To hell with sacrifice of what you might miss, work those tools of awesomeness and build the best damn you ever!! Ha!

Over time your self improvements both mentally and physically and the obvious changes in how you carry yourself will speak volumes to those close to you. Those that don't accept are perhaps taking a good look at themselves and realizing just how much they suck and how they wish they could be like you! Committing a whole year to self improvement and a commitment to mastery to this magnitude is not for the faint of heart, so be proud of yourself and who you are.....just do it. Your doing what many people can't be bothered to do, your investing in yourself and laying it all out on the table, tearing it apart and rebuilding an awesome you. So put your signature on it, own it. Own the greatest investment you could ever make to your family and life, the investment of Kung Fu in you. See you at the Kwoon

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Training with Weapons

Training with weapons can be a very fun, challenging, frustrating, and at times painful structure. Your going to hit yourself and other things with it, drop it on your foot, get it stuck in things, it's going to wreck stuff in your house or garage, your going to throw it....just to see if it really will stick in whatever your throwing it at, and then finally your going to come up with some really good ideas. Now you need to actually move with it and that requires picking the right stances. Great you've got the stances down for these killer moves but now they have to flow together. Here's where the creativity comes in and the test to see if you can actually do all of these cool things in these cool stances and still take out the bad guys with a grounded stance and complete definition to your next technique and bad guy without losing your weapon, hitting yourself with it, twisting yourself into a pretzel, sticking it in your foot or through your clothes or completely gift wrapping yourself. These are one of those times where you go back to seeing if it will actually stick in something 40 feet away, or maybe your dog won't find it this time when you throw it.(especially when you don't own a dog!!)  and once you get past the parts where you knock yourself becomes awesomeness!!!

I hope everyone is doing well and making good progress with their weapons. I look forward to seeing what you all come up with. I did have much more serious thoughts to add but I couldn't get to journalling until late so I leave with this instead. See you at the kwoon.

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Loading Up the Machine in Incremental Fashion

One thing that never strays too far from memory at every attempt I have ever made towards a year of engaged mastery with the I Ho Chuan class, is approach and perspective. The wrong approach can be amplified disaster with a ripple effect that turns into a wave of absolute chaos and a dulled and distorted perspective leaves you with no way to calm the situation and nothing to work with. The right approach and perspective will provide clarity and evolution along with some of the wildest opportunities and tools to work with.

 Let's look at this honestly. This isn't a hard class and the curriculum is a clear and solid base to work off of. You just have to put your own signature on it. Really though, what makes it hard and difficult is us. We tend to pile on all of these things and complicate the living s$#t out of almost everything we do instead of just staying true to basic plan of getting from point A to point B. We all tend to run out the gate...guns a blazing, foot to the floor, head first, all of nothing!! I'm going to do 400 of this, 250 a day of that, I've got this and that, I'm gonna do this, 42 different things going on in the first month!!! Aaaaaaaaggghh!! I'VE SO GOT THIS!! Then comes the 3rd month and your burnt out, angry, turn into a excuse factory, and blame the class and lack of time to do all of this stuff.....and then we isolate ourselves.  I know this for a fact...because I've done it...more than once. But really the whole problem in the first place was my approach and perspective. So, I'm not going use the insane approach this time or the all or nothing, because it doesn't work.  This time I'm going to go by one of my favourite motivational terms..Keep it simple stupid!! because it works.

My plan this year is to approach mastery with a clear and strategic perspective and a incremental approach. I want to go about it the same way I did when I went for the rank of Black Belt. I laid out the plan and upgraded each month. By the end of the month I looked back at what I set out to do and made changes for the following month to keep things rolling as smooth as I could.  This way if there was something that needed some attention or extra work, or I couldn't get to it, I had the capacity to adapt and make changes on the fly that kept things on track.  There was really never any stress this way and everything I was doing was of a quality that I aimed for at the beginning of the year and landed where I aimed for at the end.  It wasn't absolutely perfect and some things did get missed. But as a whole, that system worked very well for me and a mangle balance was maintained throughout. It may or may not work but I have a pretty good feeling about it.

So from now to the end of March I will be the setting it all in motion and develop a routine that is manageable and adaptable in regards to the curriculum and my personal requirements. First and foremost the goal is my hand and weapon forms, physical requirements and of course the mental part of it, the mind will make or break you. A little at a time and load up the machine so by the end of the year I'm moving plenty at an idle, and when I need to crank it up...all your going to see is dust and tail lights. Water and fuel is everything too, if it's not healthy or in some sort structure, count on burning out. I'll share my progress and fails at the end of each month and just go from there.

 Learning is failing and failing is learning, with out the two you'll never see mastery and for me, I really want to kick mastery's ass this year! See you at the Kwoon.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Year of The Dog

The year of the Rooster went by quick and another animal is bestowed upon us, the Dog. When I think of a dog, many characteristics come to mind and just how fitting it is to the requirements I have laid out this year on my quest for mastery.

 This year is going to be one of the most challenging and difficult list of requirements I have ever planned to see through. Much personal change and redirection as I feel I have reached a point in my life where I have to make some big decisions and difficult sacrifices in order to be successful and promote positive change. There is going to be plenty of risk involved, which is going to be very exciting as I have been a risk taker all my life and that isn't going to change.  I've always believed that life never goes anywhere or makes any progress or creates incredible opportunites if you don't take risks. This approach hasn't always served me well, but the incredible lessons of knowledge and success far out weigh the consequences I've had to deal with.

One area in particular that will be very difficult for me will be change. Adaptability is not really the issue here, troubleshooting is one of my stronger points. No, this is something else entirely. I'll be digging deep this year and hopefully by the end of it, things will be incredibly different and I will be cutting a new path. I also hope by the end of it I can communicate that openly. I guess we'll see.

I have chosen to resurrect my favourite weapon.....the Long Axe.....or more formally known as "MINE".  I absolutely love this weapon and I want to build off of my base form. If things go well enough I may be able to upgrade along the way to a live Qwan Do.

As far as my hand form goes I have chosen one I don't know at all. The strategy behind this is to keep the engagement level high as well as the challenge of mastering an unknown form in a year.

I'm looking forward to working with a new team and embracing a year of mastery through the I Ho Chuan class. I'm pretty excited about it actually, to completely immerse myself and my engagement set on demon training.

Here's to a successful year, here's to the dog. See you at the Kwoon.