I had laid out a plan for last years personal requirements to visit each paraphrase in the Black Belt Code of Ethics. The intent was to dive deep into the meaning, understand it and apply it to the level I swore to. I did a post a while back on the whole point and purpose of swearing to an oath and from my own perspective, how important it is to have a code of conduct. How important it is to not only have the discipline to apply it, but give it the respect it deserves and promote that through example.
I never did see this through but I wanted to make it so this year and use it for what it is meant to be. To me this will be a very valuable tool of guidance and the step by step discipline I really need to get an accurate account of it's meaning and purpose. To apply it's values to my training and use them to get back on track and possibly make me feel better about the fact that I haven't really followed through on something I swore to. When I swear to something I mean it, it's not something I just mumble away to be accepted and then forget about. So when I do forget about what I swore to and not live up to the discipline, it bothers me. When I see how I have not given it the respect it deserves and failed to recognize how valuable of a tool it is, that bothers me too. So rather than ponder on it, best make the change and apply it.
All Silent River Kung Fu Black Belts must promise to;
Hold paramount the well being of Silent River Kung Fu , their students, their art, their community, and it's citizens.
So I have started with the first one and what it means to me and how I should go about living up to it. From the time we walk into the Kwoon to the second we leave, we become different people. We are training in a 2000 thousand year old art that has vast effects on us as individuals. We are taught a standard that is to be met in order to advance not just in rank, but within ourselves. We are taught to put our own signature on the art and live by it's example through humility. Humility and empathy, confidence and character, every form, every technique, and every example that our Sifu's teach us will change us as individuals. We must constantly build that change and promote it through example by how we carry ourselves amongst others outside the walls of the Kwoon.
We are to take our training out of the Kwoon and into society. This is the example of taking something powerful and using to better our lives and the lives of those around us by applying the benefits for the common good of others, not just ourselves. What we don't want to do is be respectful and growing students in the Kwoon and the second we walk out the door, switch into a complete %$##^%. Like throw on our belts or some SRKF swag, switch into the jerk-a-tron and go punch someone in the face because we can or give false perspective to the overall benefits of the art through ego and arrogance. We are to be the position of understanding and tolerance, not ignorance of differences or pass unsolicited judgement. This kind of mentality hurts the art, the school, and our past masters along with everything else that is mentioned in the very first paraphrase. So this is how I perceive the first paraphrase and what it's meaning holds to me and how I should live by it. The bottom line? Be cool to everybody and live a happy and prosperous life, live through your training and share it as it was meant to be shared. 100% pure awesomeness. See you at the Kwoon.,
Good post. This code should remind us all that it is just not about us. Kung fu is not a narcissistic endeavour meant to stroke our own egos. It can and is a tool for us to change the world into something we feel good about. Put others first and you will be better off yourself.