250 p/u
250 s/u
5 sais form
5 stick form
5 Dah Mu Sihn
5 Hung 1 & 2
Held the door for two people, listened to a fellow at work who is going through a tough time.
Went to class tonight and enjoyed it quite a bit. I want to get back into the routine of attending all the classes I can, now that I am working normal hours. You lose touch and discipline when you are away for too long. Well it is what it is and you can't change the past, only the future. I am going to ignite that fire again that was once there as aggressively as possible to get that boost and then roll into the calm once I am back to where I should be. Sifu Brinker mentioned to us on Friday the necessity and the benefits of short term goals to enhance engagement and reduce the stress of training. My plan is to learn Loa Gar before the tournament and compete. This form was supposed to be my hand form for the I Ho Chuan. I haven't learned very much of it so this would be a good goal and a great challenge. Conditioning for sparring through running and heavy bag rounds should help prepare me for sparring and a review of all combinations over the next while should be beneficial for point sparring. I haven't picked a song yet for my weapon form so this will be a challenge since I love all kinds of music. Although I'm sure it will be heavy, I need to pick a song that will go well with the form and offer an expression of some sort. I just need to figure it out.
One last thing that I forgot, or a person I forgot to mention a few posts ago was Sihing Choy. Sihing Choy is an inspirational person to others and myself on so many fronts. I read all your blogs and can relate to the excessive work loads and challenges you are facing. You are a great example for the community and to the students of Silent River by leading through example and showing everyone around you the possibilities that can occur when you believe in yourself and follow through on your goals. I have a great amount of respect for you on how you have faced and shared the challenges of your family and shared the experience with the team. If you need someone for anything, I'm sure anyone on the team, including myself would be there at the drop of a hat to help you. Just ask, we're here to help.
Thanks for the comments Sihing. You're leading through your journey and I'm glad to share in a little bit of it.